Foster Children's Achievements in Rotherham


We all appreciate recognition when we have achieved something. It is especially important that foster children have their achievements acknowledged, and successes celebrated in order to build up their self esteem and sense of worth. Many children in foster care have experienced challenges and setbacks and have shown great resilience to overcome these challenges. There is no such thing as a small achievement, we all progress and flourish at different rates and at different times. Read on to see some examples of the fantastic achievements gained by some of the foster children within Rotherham.*


Gillian, has been a foster carer for 4 years, and to date has fostered 11 babies and children, Gillian explained that one of her proudest moments was when she  “had a child who hadn’t been weaned at 18 months old, and [had] no report of [anyone] ever seeing him smile. Within a few days [I was] able to take photos of him smiling and nibbling on a little toast”. Read Gillian’s full story here

Victoria, has been a foster carer to Zade for the last five years.  In those five years Victoria has seen Zade grow from a “nervous” 11 year old  to a 17 year old “capable young man”. Victoria goes on to explain that “when Zade first came he was diagnosed with autism and was very quiet.  I soon realised this was not the case, it was just his environment that made him that way, his diagnosis was revoked and he was no longer labelled”. Read Victoria’s full story here.

Andrea has been a foster carer for 9 years, and has cared for 16 year old Amelia from the age of 11 years old.  In this time Andrea has witnessed a huge leap in Amelia’s wellbeing and social skills: “the difference in her confidence, her language/conversational skills [and] her whole view on life, has completely changed...I’m unbelievably proud of her”.

Jamie has been a foster carer for over 10 years. One of his particular highlights was “caring for  5-year-old Michael through to independent living”. Over 20 years later, Jamie is now Granddad to a 5 year old little boy - the son of his foster son, Michael, and his partner.  Jamie goes on to describe how proud he is of his Michael, exclaiming that “he is a great father”. 

As you can see from these wonderful examples, the achievements of the foster child have a direct and powerful impact on the family as a whole, leaving a lasting impression and many treasured memories. If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, and witnessing and celebrating first hand the achievements and successes of the children in your care, book an information visit with one of our team.

*Some names in this article have been changed for privacy

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