LGBT+ Fostering - The Facts


What’s most important to us here at Fostering Rotherham is your ability to offer a child in your care a secure, supportive and caring home environment, not your sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status. Over the past decade, more and more members of the LGBT+ community are applying to be foster carers - including here in Rotherham - and with a growing number of specialist support groups available and a flourishing LGBT+ fostering network, there’s never been a better time for you to start your fostering journey.

Three quarters of the UK’s looked after children are cared for by foster families, so demand for stable, loving homes is always high with thousands of new foster families needed every year. It’s vital that everyone interested in fostering is encouraged to step up without fear of prejudice. In fact, the LGBT+ fostering and adoption charity New Family Social estimates that if just 1% of the LGBT population were to adopt or foster, there would no longer be any children waiting for a new home. Amazing!

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“If just 1% of the LGBT population were to adopt or foster, there would no longer be any children waiting for a new home.”

- New Family Social

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We understand that you may have concerns about how you will be treated as an LGBT+ identifying person applying to be a foster carer. You might be worried about what others will think or the reaction you might get from the families of the children in your care. We’re happy to report that the experiences of our LGBT+ foster carers have been overwhelmingly positive. As Craig and Dave say in their care story, “The only thing we thought about was how a child and their family might feel about them being looked after by two gay men. But it hasn’t been an issue at all.”

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“The only thing we thought about was how a child and their family might feel about them being looked after by two gay men. But it hasn’t been an issue at all.”

Craig and Dave - Foster Carers


In 2019, 1 in 7 adoptions were to same sex couples, which is the highest on record and evidence shows that the number of LGBT+ people becoming foster carers and adoptive parents grows year on year. We hope that the growing LGBT+ fostering and adoption community gives confidence to those considering starting their fostering journey. 

Because our foster children come from all walks of life, it’s important that our foster carers reflect this. We know that it’s important that children see that families come in a range of shapes and sizes and come to understand that difference is normal and to be celebrated.

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“He’s seen that every person and family is different and that’s something to be celebrated.”

Craig and Dave - Foster Carers

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We believe that our experience of life shapes us and gives us compassion and empathy, and we recognise that the adversity you may have faced could end up being the very thing that allows you to help a foster child navigate their own identity in the future, by providing you with the understanding you need to relate to the child’s experience.

Ultimately, we know that what’s important is your ability to provide a foster child with a supportive and loving home - to us, your sense of humour, kindness and patience is what matters.

If you identify as LGBT+ and are considering starting out on your foster care journey, why not book a call with one of our friendly fostering advisors who can chat with you about how fostering could work for you. Our goal is to find the very best homes for Rotherham’s children, so we’d love to hear from you!