Ideas for the Summer Holidays


Although lockdown restrictions are starting to lift across the UK, we all know that this year’s summer holidays are going to be a bit different to normal.

For many of us, it can feel like we’ve absolutely exhausted ideas of things to keep the kids entertained so here’s a list of some things you may not have tried yet.

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Finger Painting
Pop down a plastic sheet or some bin liners and get messy with paint!

Suitable for all the family with varying levels of difficulty, origami requires concentration with a satisfying end product for the kids to be proud of.

Play hide and seek
Sometimes the classic games are the best and we forget about them! Give the old classic hide and seek a go.

Make wooden spoon puppets
The possibilities are endless with a wooden spoon!


Create plastic bottle rockets
Perfect for kids who are fans of science. Keep their academic minds engaged with this activity whilst having fun!

Have a games night
With so much technology available, we can often forget about things like board games. Dig out all of your board games and see how many you can play with the family in one evening.

Make a lockdown scrapbook
The last few months have truly been a historic time for everyone. Create a scrapbook of memories from lockdown you can look back on in the future.

Indoor gardening
Not everyone has the outdoor space for gardening and we certainly don’t have the weather! Pick up a small indoor plant for each family member and learn with the family about how to care for each plant.

Make birthday cards
See who in your circle of friends and family have a birthday coming up and make their birthday cards by hand. A more personal touch and saves a trip to the shops!

Wash the car
Something the grown ups might find a chore can be a blast for young children. Washing the car as a family on a warm day can be an unexpected joy.

Decorate some garden rocks
Go for a walk as a family and collect any smooth or interestingly shaped stones you see on your walk. When you return home, paint them with imaginative shapes and colours.


Take part in the Summer Reading Challenge The Summer Reading Challenge presented by The Reading Agency, is delivered in partnership with public libraries and funded by Arts Council England.

The Challenge encourages children aged 4 to 11 to enjoy the benefits of reading for pleasure over the summer holidays, providing lots of fun and enjoyment as well as helping to prevent the summer reading ‘dip’.

Make bookmark creatures
These bookmarks add a bit of fun to reading time.

Tour the World in a Week
The majority of us wont be going abroad on holiday this year so why not bring a holiday to you? Do some activities as a family themed around a different country every day for a week, learn a couple of words in their language or eat something associated with that country.

Expand their musical knowledge
Share with them your favourite bands and artists from the past and talk about what was popular at the time, how did you dress? What was on TV? What did you do in your spare time?

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