International Children's Book Day: How Books can Help Foster Children


Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday (2nd April), International Children's Book Day is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children's books.

But why is reading so important for foster children?

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Reading is exercise for the brain.

Just as you would encourage children to keep fit, reading is a form of exercise for the brain. It requires the brain to work harder than watching TV, for example, and encourages young developing brains to strengthen and make new connections.

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Reading helps children to express themselves.

Many children can find it difficult to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is particularly common for children , like many foster children, who have experienced difficult relationships with their peers or guardians. Reading books will expand their vocabulary and imaginations, helping them to find the words to articulate what they want to say.


Reading promotes independence.

Although many foster children enjoy long lasting and stable placements, many will need to transition between families at some point in their lives. Having activities they can enjoy alone such as reading offers foster children a familiar hobby they can find comfort in and feel a sense of independence.

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Why not take a look at our blog of suggested books for foster children?

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If you would like to find out more about becoming a foster carer why not book a call with one of our fostering team?