Posts in Tips and Advise
Ramadan 2021: Religion in Foster Care.

Rotherham has a large and vibrant Muslim community within its population, including within our foster carer community. As a foster carer it is not essential that you share the same religion or cultural beliefs as your foster child, but it is of course key that you can meet their needs and that they are made to feel comfortable, safe and secure.

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Express Yourself! Children's Mental Health Week 2021

This year Children’s Mental Health Week takes place between 1st and 7th February 2021 and the theme is “Express Yourself”. The organisers, Place2Be, are encouraging children, young people and adults alike to explore different ways to express ourselves by sharing feelings, ideas, and thoughts through creative activities such as dance, drama, art, music, poetry, writing and film.

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How To Talk To Your Children About Racism

We recognise that talking about racism can be difficult and emotive. Here at Fostering Rotherham we are committed to getting better at talking about racism with each other and with our children, and to ensuring that we are doing enough to challenge racism within society. We want all our foster carers to feel supported and able to have discussions around racism with the children and young people in their care. In this blog we offer some suggestions as to how you might approach the topic of racism and we have also included links to websites and useful resources which offer further information and advice.

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Coronavirus - Homeschooling Advice For Foster Carers

As both a parent and a teacher I have had many conversations with worried parents and carers regarding how they will manage homeschooling their children whilst the schools are closed due to coronavirus. I understand that some foster carers may be particularly worried as children in care are particularly sensitive to uncertainty and any changes to their routine. Many children in care have experienced trauma and attachment issues and may be especially vulnerable at this time.

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How To Talk To Your Foster Children About The Coronavirus (Covid-19)

It is important to talk openly to children and reassure them about the changes they are seeing around them due to Coronavirus. Following the school closures, foster children may worry about themselves, their family, and friends getting ill with COVID-19. Children in care are particularly sensitive to uncertainty and any changes to their routine. Many children in care have experienced trauma and attachment issues and may be especially vulnerable at this time. Parents, family members, and other trusted adults play an important role in helping children make sense of what they hear in a way that is honest and accurate, and that minimises anxiety or fear.

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Books for Foster Children- World Book Day

World Book Day seems to get bigger and better each year with children celebrating literature by dressing up as their favourite characters and participating in events all over the globe. We believe that books are an amazing way to develop imagination in young people and as they grow up, many children will relate to characters they read about. Read on for a list of children’s books we think represent diversity in families and cultures.

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Supporting children with Trauma and Attachment issues

February shines a spotlight on the importance of children’s mental health with Children’s Mental Health Week taking place between the 3rd and 9th of February. Katie is currently developing and delivering a range of Emotional Resilience and Parenting courses and was more than happy to talk to us about supporting children with trauma and attachment issues.

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